How does the u-pick work?
Here at Blue Haven Farm we take a casual, laidback approach to picking. We believe it should be relaxing and fun! Just come on down to our farm (no appointment needed) and we will show you the ropes. We provide sanitized buckets for you to use free of charge and bags for you to take your berries home in. If you have a favourite bucket you would like to bring for picking that's great! Just bring it in to the farm stand and we'll be happy to weigh it before you start picking. The blueberries are sold by the lb. so there is no pressure to fill your buckets. When you arrive simply pop into the farm stand and we will happily get you started.
How much does it cost to fill a bucket?
Our containers here hold roughly 5lbs. which costs $15 for the u-pick blueberries. A one gallon ice cream pail holds 5-6 lbs.
U-pick - $ 3.00 per lb
Pre-picked and frozen - $3.75 per lb
Our Hours?
The Farm's regular season hours are from 8am-4pm daily from late June to the end of August. We do however occasionally close for rain or for ripening, and our season opening and closing date is dependant on the blueberries.
It is always best to check Google for most current and up to date hours.
How do I Store my blueberries?
U-Pick - After picking you may notice that not all of your berries are fully ripe and as sweet as you would like. We suggest letting them sit at room temperature for roughly 12 -24 hrs before placing them in the fridge or freezer. This allows the berries to fully ripen and sweeten up. Always keep them in breathable or open containers.
Pre-Picked- Berries bought from our farm stand have already been carefully hand sorted and are ready to be eaten! If you don't eat them all, place them in the fridge in the brown bag.
Should I wash my blueberries?
Our Blueberries are never sprayed and will last much longer and freeze better if they are not washed and then left to sit. If you do choose to wash your berries, do so right before using or eating them.
The dusty coating you see on the blueberries is actually the berries natural protective coating. If you rinse this off or handle your berries too much they will sadly go bad quickly.
what is the Best way to freeze Blueberries?
As long as you don't wash your berries before freezing them, it's incredibly easy. Simply place your blueberries in a Ziploc bag and place them in the freezer. No need to lay them out on baking sheets, as long at the berries are not wet they will not clump together. For u-picked blueberries, remember to first let the berries sit for roughly 12hr- 24 hrs to ripen up before freezing them.
Can I bring my kids to pick?
Yes! kids are always more than welcome on the farm. We love seeing their excitement when they find "the biggest berry ever!"
We have ice cream, toys, chickens, and occasionally you can even watch the horses grazing in the field. All the makings of a kid friendly day on the farm.
How old are your blueberry bushes?
Our blueberry bushes have been with our family for 34 years! We put a lot of love and care into our blueberry patch and we believe it shows. Some of our bushes even reach 10 feet tall.
Do you sell your blueberries in stores?
Our Blueberries are only sold from our farm stand.
Can I Bring my
We love our dogs just as much as you and we just love seeing all those happy pups on the farm. However, we can not let dogs into the blueberry patch no matter how badly we want to let them.
They are welcome around the farmstead though but must be on a leash and picked up after.
Can we bring
our own
Yes! We are always very appreciative of those who bring their own buckets for picking. This way the berries are handled as little as possible.
I would like
to buy a
Large quantity
of blueberries,
when is the
best time?
The first week in August is generally the best time of year to buy your winter supply! Not only do we then have enough berries for you but they are also at their peak. Which means big, sweet, and delicious blueberries!